In an electrifying collaboration, Bride, the renowned automotive seat manufacturer, has joined forces with Shuichi Shigeno, the celebrated writer and author of the iconic manga series MF Ghost. This exciting partnership aims to unveil a limited run of racing seats inspired by the thrilling world of MF Ghost, the highly acclaimed sequel to the legendary Initial D series.
Bride has chosen the Zeta IV Reim seat to be the canvas for this exciting collaboration both performance and style as well as a stellar new look. Taking cues from the captivating visuals of MF Ghost, the Zeta IV Reim boasts a striking combination of classic Black and Red colors. The seats will be stamped with the MF Ghost logo, adding an exclusive touch to the already iconic design. The shell of these racing seats will feature a sleek silver back, embodying the essence of speed and sophistication.
Limited to a production of just 86 pairs, which is a call to main character, Kanata Rivington, who’s driving a Toyota 86 GT and his racing number is also 86. These racing seats are set to become an instant collector’s items for avid fans and automotive enthusiasts alike. Priced at approximately 176,000 yen or $1237 per seat, these limited-edition pieces offer a unique opportunity to own a piece of automotive history.
Orders for the MF Ghost-inspired Zeta IV Reim racing seats will officially open on January 15, 2024. However, there’s a catch… this exclusive release appears to be limited to orders within Japan, creating an added layer of rarity for international fans. This decision to keep the release within Japan only adds an extra level of prestige to the already highly coveted racing seats.
As anticipation revs up among fans, the collaboration between Bride and Shuichi Shigeno has undoubtedly set the stage for a new era of automotive style. The fusion of Bride’s craftsmanship with Shigeno’s artistic vision promises a racing seat that not only delivers on performance but also pays homage to the adrenaline-fueled world of MF Ghost.
Stay tuned as the automotive world braces for the impact of this limited-edition release, bringing the essence of MF Ghost to the driver’s seat and allowing enthusiasts to experience the thrill of the manga series on the open road.